Gluten-free Rocky Road #2

I have decided that in order to keep the momentum going I will return to some of the first gluten-free recipes on this blog. I use them regularly and I appreciate having them in one place to find as needed. So here we have gluten-free rocky road. This started in 2015 when I was watching an episode of Bill’s Kitchen: Notting Hill (Bill Granger). I had never made Rocky Road or really eaten it, but watching chocolate and butter slowly melt with some golden syrup thrown in for good measure was motivation enough for me to start! I could not find Bill’s exact recipe at the time, and I still can’t, so I have taken bits from recipes online (there are many) and modified to suit my tastes to make my gluten-free rocky road. But then a few weeks ago I saw Mary Berry make rocky road. Her version did not have nuts or cranberries and such delights, but she did use Crunchie which she sprinkled on top. I have taken this idea, but rather smashed the Crunchie and added it to the overall mixture as a little hidden delight, and it takes something that was already amazing to a new higher level.  

It is as Mary Berry says ‘oh so good, very naughty but once in a while we need a treat”.

176 grams chocolate (I use dark chocolate)
100 grams unsalted butter
2 tbsp. golden syrup
50 grams marshmallows (I use gluten-free marshmallows)
100 g biscuits – I use Schar Maria Biscuits or Gullón Digestive biscuits
50 grams nuts and dried cranberries
32 grams Crunchie Bar smashed into pieces of varying size

Melt chocolate, butter and golden syrup in a double boiler.
Try not to eat it all at this point as is rather good.
Break up biscuits into small pieces. Cut up marshmallows into bite size pieces if not using mini marshmallows. Smash your Crunchie into little pieces.
Mix biscuits, marshmallows, nuts, cranberries and Crunchie in a bowl. Pour over the chocolate and mix well. A hint I picked up from Bill Granger was to keep just a little of the chocolate back at this point.
Line a square baking tray with grease proof paper and pour in your mixture gently flattening it and pushing it down and to the sides.
Then pour over the chocolate you have kept in reserve to make a small layer on the top.
Refrigerate. Once set cut into squares and enjoy. How easy is this?

I do eyeball the amount of cranberries and nuts I use and see what looks right, it also depends on what I have in my cupboard. Originally, I used 125 grams of biscuits but I felt that was a little too much for this ratio of chocolate and dropped it down to 100 grams.

I have made this many times for work and I even take requests now for this as a birthday gift, so this seems to be something that everyone is keen to enjoy.
Great reward for not much effort.
P.S Smashing a Crunchie Bar is harder than it looks – don’t be shy!    

Here are the biscuits I use:

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